I walked out of the Zellers with the pokemon cards in my hand, and I didn't feel bad in the least.
I freaking love pokemon. It's true, In fact just mentioning the word pokemon in this blog makes me want to go finish Soul Silver. Gah.
Anyone who thinks Pokemon is lame or just for kids is a jerk. Pokemon is srs biz. The older you get, the more serious it gets.
Of course, in many ways, I am very childlike, for instance; I still sleep with a blankey I've had when I was born. I was talking to a few friends about this yesterday, including Betty/Shyanna from the blog over yonder. She said that it seems that our generation is more accepting of sleeping with Blankies and stuffed toys, while previous generations had a pressure to give those things up at a certain age. I realized she was right.
Of course, I'm also childlike in other ways too, like my positive outlook, my tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt, and generally see good in the whole world and everyone in it. Kids are usually like that.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to live forever. That sounds a little naive when I say it, but really, I have some points behind it.
(Though the points could probably be dis proven by some really smart scientist or someone....or could they? Hm.)