Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I don't mind wearing my underwear on the outside.

You know, I've been thinking a lot lately, and by lately I mean; I'm always thinking, just lately my thoughts been more relevant to the world.

Like, everyone I've ever been close to has been "messed up" if you will. Now I know everyone is messed up. I'm pretty messed up myself, I know you're messed up *points violently at the screen*, but I mean messed up in the traditional sense. Most of the people I've ever super cared about have been depressed or had family problems or those types of things and the kinds of things that go along with them. (I've given out a fair share of hugs in my life, I'm pretty sure I'm really good at it by now, just so you all know. ) So my mother told me last night "You don't have to be the strong one, you don't have to be the superhero" To which I replied "I don't mind, I look really good in spandex and a cape". (Pause for super awesome "Hex as a sexy super-lady" mental images, you know you want to) But I've been thinking, and it's true, I don't mind wearing my underwear on the outside. I have a way to deal with things, I dunno, I just get over it. I'm pretty level headed and I'm stable. I have a consistent home life, a present and caring family. I care a lot about people and being there for everyone makes me feel good. It never seems like too much to handle or think about.

Also, when I have issues, I have people, as long as those people stick around, then I'll be fine, and sometimes, when I can't deal with other people's issues, then I'll tell them, and hope they understand. As long as I have understanding people, I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'm having as much fun as humanly possible and trying to spread it around. I try to smile and laugh whenever I can and honestly, I'm having the time of my life.

It's a little tiring though, having the time of your life. A nap would be nice.

Fun fact: I own the comic of which the following art is cover art for.

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