Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm so glad I'm still blogging.

There are secrets in my blogs.
My first blog was on April 12th, about me and about jousting, and looking back and rereading it, it seems like a typical blog post, but writing the words "My Boyfriend" actually was a big step for me. I was still having issues with being open about thoughts and feelings.

At anyrate, I'm glad I'm still blogging, because it will serve it's purpose as a time capsule and a document recording my life, starting on April 12th 2010 and ending eventually. I Remember realizing I needed a blog in the weeks before April 12th. I was reading a book on the internet and sharing and there was a bunch going on in my life that I didn't know what to do about. 

Life Snippit: At this moment, I am sitting on my bed, It's almost time to go to work. I'm typing away while Batman is playing Saints Row 2. Batman showed up at my house randomly around two, watched me play Saint's Row for a while, then promptly fell asleep watching Dragon Ball Z abridged. I woke him up with bacon.

Funfact: In my room I can see:

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