Monday, April 26, 2010

As Expected

My blogging has slowed down,  I can only assume due to waining interest. I'm okay though, I didn't really want to blog EVERYDAY, you know. Also, I haven't had acess to a computer in multimedia class for the last few days, and I do a lot of blogging there.

You know, now that I think of it, I havn't really been on the computer much at all. It's strange, I've been playing more xbox and doing other productive things. (You know, because x-box is so productive, along with all those other things I do)

We're finally going to start playing D&D today, after a prolonged break. (It was only supposed to be a week, but it turned into two due to lack of people and characters, also, smash brothers.)  I have yet to write a backstory for my unamed Human Paladin. I've got plans to do so on my free.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning, despite my sleep being subpar and it being monday morning and all. It's rather strange. Math class will probably change that. Math never ceases to lul me into a melancholy tiredness. I think it's all the correcting we do. If the teacher would just give us some damn sheets. GAH.

No, It' AP, I understand why we need to go over everything a million times. It's tough stuff...But isn't it supposed to be the class for people who can handle tough stuff? I'm not trying to bash. I'm actually quite normal, I bet the amount of people who enjoy math class to the people who don't is seriously disproportinate. (Don't get me wrong, I liek Math. Just the class thaat sucks.)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I want an iPad.


Today at lunch, I brought in a GameCube and thee controllers. Batman brought in another controller and SUPER SMASH BROTHERS MEELEE!

It was a fantastic 45 minutes filled with the sounds of frantically clacking buttons, cry's of pain and anger and the eventual cheer of the victor.
  The greatest part today was when one of the players chose Donkey Kong. We weren't sure why until half way through the match he picked up Batman and walked off the edge of the map with a cry of "FOR ALLAAAH" (I've mentioned we're all very offensive) The rest of the match was spent with Batman avoiding him with periodic explosions of "FUCK YOU GUY" I laughed ridiculously hard.

Also, I work at a library, one of my duties at said library is to put out the new magazines when they come into the library. Because of this, I've realized something strange. There are more fragrance samples in mens magazines then there are in womens. Strange.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm cool with this.

I say things, you know, over and over again, like catch phrases. Every once and a while I'll continually use one until it gets worn out, and then I'll find a new one. One that jumps to my mind that's already been here and gone was "Not like there's anything better to do". You say it with a certain inflection at certain points, and it turns into a thing, you know what I mean?

One that I've been usuing a lot lately is: "WORKIN' ON IT" (Yes, in the real world, I talk in Capslock, s'true) . This surfaced around the same time as "Not like there's anything better to do". I don't remeber exactly how, but my first recollection of usuing it was when I was playing Rock Band. The exchange probably went along the lines of:
Friend: Don't Fail

It's been kicking around a while, it died down for a while before resurfacing when I had things I reeeaaallly needed to work on. Ehehe.

Another one that's shown up in the middle of my things that I've reeeaaaally needed to work on has been "I'm cool with this" (Again, certain inflections make the whole thing work) 
The funny thing here is that I know exactly where it came from. You know the Christmas Episode of the Fairly Odd Parents, where it's Christmas everyday so everything stays closed?
It's the scene where Chet Ubetcha is doing his special news report on everything being closed.

Chet Ubetcha: Stores are still closed (cut to store, angry people in front)
Timmy's dad: Like Eggnog!
Chet Ubetcha: Banks are still closed (cut to bank, angry people in front)
Timmy's dad: To buy Eggnog!
Chet Ubetcha: And Schools are still closed (cut to school)
Chester (Skateboards across the screen) : I'm cool with this.

About 1:32 seconds in)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is a reminder from your past self.

Don't forget to blog about privacy, remeber yesterday when you said "remind me to blog about privacy" Now seems like a good a time as any. Especially after you had to remind your sister one million and a half times to knock on your door before entering. You know, to "respect your privacy" and all that.

    Uhhhhg. Don't remind me. However past self, this is a good idea, privacy is such a big issue these days, also I've been reading about it in this awesome book called "The Peep Diaries" (Which is pretty much what inspired me to write a blog, just sayin') privacy on the internet is basically at extremes, either all your information is available (sometimes super easy to find, sometimes it takes a little bit of research, I'm sure someone could track this back to me pretty simply)  Or you're completely anonymous. Basically privacy on the internet is a joke. If someone wants to find you and kill you, they would and could. That being said, there must not be many people who want to find and kill you, because I don't see many reports on the news about people being killed after being tracked on the internet. 

   The issue with facebook isn't privacy persay, but "Oversharing". When people post bits of information from their daily life that is just a little to personal. Liek: GOT CRUNK, SLEPT AROUND YEAH. 
That is oversharing. Especially when you have your mom or your boss on facebook.

    On a totally unrelated note, anyone remember "The Philosopher Kings"? They had two big hits in 2006 (lol, I was in grade seven, oh, good lame ass times) 'Castles in the Sand' and 'Give Back the Love' . I didn't remember them until I heard them again. Bonus points to those who can figure out (or remember, as the case may be) why I wiki'd these guys in the first place.

Actually, nah, no bonus points, because there are only two of you who would be able to figure it out at all.

Actually, I should probably say it, because this is a documenting blog, and not a... some other type of blog.  And If I don't say it, it probably wont make any sense when I look back on it in 3-5 years. (Which is the point of this blog you know)
Eh, I'll point out the connections next blog.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Llama Ryhmes With Drama

FINALLY, Blogger was being a jerk and not loading the composition box properly, I was starting to get frustrated.
Also, because It seems firefox has given up on the wonders of spell check, I'm blogging from google chrome.
I love google chrome for it's fast work-ocity, but not for it's for "collecting all your informationlol". Oh well, privacy in these times is merely an illusion (remind me to blog about privacy)
But I promised you a tale of high drama for today, so high drama there will be... Sort of.
See, I kind of feel guilty for running of my mouth on my blog about one specific person, even if no names will be said, just because I know If I start writing, I'll just keep writing and shit will get out of hand.

       But what the heck ever, I need to get some shit off my chest. If you actually know me IRL, you've probably heard this rant.

         Don't you hate it when you do nearly nothing of consequence wrong, and someone flips the fuck out and decides to block you out of their lives. Like, so there's this one person, right. And I said some stuff about their boyfriend right, but the thing is, I said it to her face, and also, directly to her boyfriend (not to his face, because, you know, I don't like him all that much) so she knew I said it, and didn't even tell me to lay off. Not at all. Then, all of a sudden, something changes (like I made a decision that she didn't agree with or something, I'm not entirely sure) and then BAM I've been blocked by her on facebook (after she left a rather rude comment that I couldn't reply to even if I wanted to) and she's talking about how much of a bitch I am, talking about things that happened months ago that she didn't have any problem with months ago, but for some reason, matter now.
          Anyways, the stupidity blows my mind, and I really don't want to deal with it anymore, but my problem is that if she showed up and apologized and then acted like it had never happened, I would probably accept her as a friend again, because I'm a big fucking softy and I have no backbone. Also, because I still care about her, I don't know about you, but I can't stop caring overnight. Gosh.


Friday, April 16, 2010


I know I promised I'd blog about teh dramaz today. But I'm not going to.
'Cause It's like midnight, and I don't feel like blogging with friends over.
No, I don't drink at all, that previous statement was completely sarcastic, especially because I'm at home, no lights, no party, no alcholol.
So yeah, Drama desctription in the morrow.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All in Favour of This Being A Democracy?

We (as in the group of people I continuely refer to as the guys from D&D. This includes 'Nam' 'Batman', My boyfriend AKA 'CBAT' 'Harold' and the other yet to be named guys) are an offencive group of teenagers, but that's to be expected, it seems jokes today are all about things that you never used to be able to joke about.

For example, sexism just seems to be getting funnier and more acceptible (acceptible as in more acceptable to make jokes about it, not more acceptable to practice) by the day. Especially on the internet, where the cries of  "GET BACK TO THE KITCHEN" can be heard in kitchens around the world.
I can't say I really mind it as long as both parties know it's all in good fun. A truly tolerent society is on where one group of people makes fun of another group of people and both people laugh. (Because you know we're never going to be able to stop people from making fun of each other).

Anyways, today, our group basically decided it was a nation (est pop. 10) and like any good nation, it needed a system of govenement. At first, we all voted for Democracy, then rallied together to change to Communism. Nam wanted Facism but we were having none of that.
Then the people started voting to eliminate rights.
Fist, we voted to strip CBAT of all of his rights, then they tried to vote to exile him out of the group but to no avail. (CBAT's not even here today, he's home for one reason or another, which made stripping him of his rights even easier for everyone else.)
Then, they voted to remove womens rights, leaving me and Harold S.O.L
Then, they voted to remove rights from anyone over 6'3", which covered Nam and also another guy who has yet to recieve a code name. (I haven't had to mention him yet, because he just showed up agian today after a long absence.)
Then they voted to re-instate the rights of half the women who are permanant citizens of the "Nation Of The Group". This half included Harold, but left me without a voice.

I'm sure this sillyness would have continued until a revolution, but the bell rang, and we all went back to class.
(Next time I'm going to blog about dramaz, I swear, don't let me forget)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Live Action Rock Paper Scissors.

And now, Reporting from her multimedia class again, after a long and perilous journey of finding another proxy to get around the filter with, is Hex.

See, I wasgoing to write another, longer blog when I got home from work yesterday, but then I realized that would have been three blogs in one day... And that would kindof make me feel like a douchebag. So I'm going blog today about yesterday's  lunch, and also today's lunch, but just the interesting parts.

Yesterday's interesting parts: Batman and Nam played "Live Action Rock Paper Scissors." Which just constituted the two of them making etither a rock, paper or scissors with their hands and beating eachother up. That's about all.

Today's interesting parts:  Everyone showed off their "Rape Face" It was a close tie between Nam and Batman, Until CBAT came along and scared the shit out of everyone. Scared the shit out of everyone in a hilarious way mind you, but still. Batman took pictures that are sure to appear on facebook.

I hate not writing down a good idea when I think of it, I'm really bad like that. Like, I'm sure I had a really great idea about something to write about in math class, but lo, I was too lazy to write it down. Math class makes me really sleepy.

Multimedia class again, our lord and master: "Proxzor" God of all Proxys, is either temporarily 404'd or dead, so me and the kindly friendcomb of Multimedia went on the hunt for a new proxy. We eventually found, from germany, and now we're distracting the whole class by sending hate IM's to a collective aquantance. The substitue teacher was fine with it until it got really out of control and the whole friendcomb of people got riled up. (Just so the internet knows, I'm writing this shit as it happens.)

Teachers don't seem to mind if I blog in class, as long as I'm not disruptive.

I realized that I was orignally going to keep my blog anonymous, and not tell my friends so I could blog about my deep dark secrets and my illustrious sex life (lolno) but then I went and told a few of my friends, and then all of my friends, and now everyone that I know knows that this blog is my blog.
My plan is to wait, try my best to stop talking about my blog, and eventually people I know will forget I even have one. Then, fair readers (lolnone) then you will hear of my deepdarksecrets and that other stuff that has yet to exsist.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm the Chairman of the board.

I think I really just created this blog out of boredom, you know. The rest of the internet has gotten boring and at least here I feel like I'm maybe accomplishing something. Maybe.
Well, not really, but documenting my life is much more important then not documenting it on facebook (You could almost consider it documenting, but not really in a very readable, look backable way, 'cept for maybe looking back on old pictures) and documenting my life is definitely more important then gaia or youtube or 4chan.

I've though about playing WoW. (Did you know that one in five WoW players is female, It's funny because that's exactly the same ratio of males to females that exists within my circle of friends.) I'm worried it would consume my life though. It's happened before, I find something I like, GET ADDICTED TO IT, then slowly peeeter off, eventually not giving a shit about it at all (I've got a sinking feeling that the same thing will happen to this blog, but bear with me). If I was going to play an MMO that I had to pay for, I'd probably play Star Trek Online first, because Star Trek is wicked.

In case anyone cares, I'm at work, but haven't started working yet, I don't start until 5, and it's only 4:40.

Proxy that shit.

 I really shouldn't be blogging right now, I'm in class and should really instead finish my report on the Fibonacci sequence for multimedia.
I should, but I'm a bad person who circumvents the school content filter. The funniest thing is that as I wrote that last sentence, a woman showed up with a camera and took a picture of me "Working diligently at my computer" probably to show the school board how great technology education is.

Technology education is great, I love it. I spent the first few months of this class using photoshop, and I love photoshop. However, if you sit a student down at a computer, they'll eventually figure out how to make it to facebook, or blogger in this case. (Psssst, If anyone want to know how to beat the filter, easily, I'll let you know).

At any rate, my excuse is that taking breaks actually helps you be more productive. There's been studies and stuff, plus I'm almost done... I swear.
The bell's going to ring any minute now.

Monday, April 12, 2010

An Introduction of sorts.

Okay, let's make one thing clear, I'm not writing this for you guys. I'm writing it for me. ME. So that in five or some odd years time I can look back and see how goddamn stupid I was. (Because you know you all do that, look back on your past with distain, and remark on how much cooler you are now.)

Now, because I'm writing for me, I really shouldn't have to introduce myself, because I know who I am and none of you care.
But It seems weird to start without introducing myself, so without futher ado:

You, person sitting at your computer, wondering why you've read thus far; you can call me Hex, short for Hexadecimal (INB4 REBOOT, I know, she was a badass, I know, not where I got the name). I'm 17 years old and I go to my local public high school. I enjoy the freedom and benifits of living in Canada. I'm Female.

My bestfriend will frequently be mentioned in this blog, So I'll call her "Harold". Together we are the astonishingly hilarious and beautiful duo known as "Harold and Hex"

I could write more about myself, but I kind of want to get to the "blogging" part of blogging.

Today, I went to school and didn't play D&D at lunch, which is quite out of the ordinary, I must say. Instead, Our entire lunchtime group of people moved from the D&D room to our original spot near the window, in the long hallway in the tech wing of my local public high school. The 45 minutes of lunch break consisted of "Jousting". (I think I should mention here that all my lunch friends, besides Harold, are male)

Jousting is a familliar term, and when I tell you that we were jousting without horses, I bet you can figure out what I mean.
This particular Jousting session consisted of my two male friends (We'll call them 'Batman' and 'Nam') my boyfriend (We'll call him... My boyfriend, until I can think of a more clever nickname that hasn't been overused already) and one of my boyfriends-friends-who's-already-graduated-but-shows-up-sometimes, pairing up and mounting each other like horses, sticking their fists out like lances, and running like idiots down the hallway at eachother.

So we had Batman mounted on Nam (They are both large guys, so this was funny) The aformentioned graduated bloke mounted on my boyfriend. They gained speed down the hallway before colapsing onto the floor in a spectacular fall.

I laughed to kill myself. This shit happens on a daily basis.