Monday, April 26, 2010

As Expected

My blogging has slowed down,  I can only assume due to waining interest. I'm okay though, I didn't really want to blog EVERYDAY, you know. Also, I haven't had acess to a computer in multimedia class for the last few days, and I do a lot of blogging there.

You know, now that I think of it, I havn't really been on the computer much at all. It's strange, I've been playing more xbox and doing other productive things. (You know, because x-box is so productive, along with all those other things I do)

We're finally going to start playing D&D today, after a prolonged break. (It was only supposed to be a week, but it turned into two due to lack of people and characters, also, smash brothers.)  I have yet to write a backstory for my unamed Human Paladin. I've got plans to do so on my free.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning, despite my sleep being subpar and it being monday morning and all. It's rather strange. Math class will probably change that. Math never ceases to lul me into a melancholy tiredness. I think it's all the correcting we do. If the teacher would just give us some damn sheets. GAH.

No, It' AP, I understand why we need to go over everything a million times. It's tough stuff...But isn't it supposed to be the class for people who can handle tough stuff? I'm not trying to bash. I'm actually quite normal, I bet the amount of people who enjoy math class to the people who don't is seriously disproportinate. (Don't get me wrong, I liek Math. Just the class thaat sucks.)

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