Thursday, April 15, 2010

All in Favour of This Being A Democracy?

We (as in the group of people I continuely refer to as the guys from D&D. This includes 'Nam' 'Batman', My boyfriend AKA 'CBAT' 'Harold' and the other yet to be named guys) are an offencive group of teenagers, but that's to be expected, it seems jokes today are all about things that you never used to be able to joke about.

For example, sexism just seems to be getting funnier and more acceptible (acceptible as in more acceptable to make jokes about it, not more acceptable to practice) by the day. Especially on the internet, where the cries of  "GET BACK TO THE KITCHEN" can be heard in kitchens around the world.
I can't say I really mind it as long as both parties know it's all in good fun. A truly tolerent society is on where one group of people makes fun of another group of people and both people laugh. (Because you know we're never going to be able to stop people from making fun of each other).

Anyways, today, our group basically decided it was a nation (est pop. 10) and like any good nation, it needed a system of govenement. At first, we all voted for Democracy, then rallied together to change to Communism. Nam wanted Facism but we were having none of that.
Then the people started voting to eliminate rights.
Fist, we voted to strip CBAT of all of his rights, then they tried to vote to exile him out of the group but to no avail. (CBAT's not even here today, he's home for one reason or another, which made stripping him of his rights even easier for everyone else.)
Then, they voted to remove womens rights, leaving me and Harold S.O.L
Then, they voted to remove rights from anyone over 6'3", which covered Nam and also another guy who has yet to recieve a code name. (I haven't had to mention him yet, because he just showed up agian today after a long absence.)
Then they voted to re-instate the rights of half the women who are permanant citizens of the "Nation Of The Group". This half included Harold, but left me without a voice.

I'm sure this sillyness would have continued until a revolution, but the bell rang, and we all went back to class.
(Next time I'm going to blog about dramaz, I swear, don't let me forget)


  1. Hahahaahahah! Niiiceee. So, CBAT has no rights? Darn. He might be mad. :P I love reading your blog, it makes me laugh out loud. Really. You probably heard me from right over there. :P

  2. lol nice I see I have no code name and have not been mentioned UHG!!! lol. Kidding we should make a packed to never discuss our blogs outside of our blogs haha.

  3. So it's a revolution that needs to be started huh? Well grab your pitch forks my fellow brethren and march towards the rising sun with your fists in the sky resembling the Two-Pronged Crown.
    That's enough for motivational speeches, I command (Since the ability to vote has been stripped) a stand must be taken in the form of Dunce Caps!
