Monday, April 12, 2010

An Introduction of sorts.

Okay, let's make one thing clear, I'm not writing this for you guys. I'm writing it for me. ME. So that in five or some odd years time I can look back and see how goddamn stupid I was. (Because you know you all do that, look back on your past with distain, and remark on how much cooler you are now.)

Now, because I'm writing for me, I really shouldn't have to introduce myself, because I know who I am and none of you care.
But It seems weird to start without introducing myself, so without futher ado:

You, person sitting at your computer, wondering why you've read thus far; you can call me Hex, short for Hexadecimal (INB4 REBOOT, I know, she was a badass, I know, not where I got the name). I'm 17 years old and I go to my local public high school. I enjoy the freedom and benifits of living in Canada. I'm Female.

My bestfriend will frequently be mentioned in this blog, So I'll call her "Harold". Together we are the astonishingly hilarious and beautiful duo known as "Harold and Hex"

I could write more about myself, but I kind of want to get to the "blogging" part of blogging.

Today, I went to school and didn't play D&D at lunch, which is quite out of the ordinary, I must say. Instead, Our entire lunchtime group of people moved from the D&D room to our original spot near the window, in the long hallway in the tech wing of my local public high school. The 45 minutes of lunch break consisted of "Jousting". (I think I should mention here that all my lunch friends, besides Harold, are male)

Jousting is a familliar term, and when I tell you that we were jousting without horses, I bet you can figure out what I mean.
This particular Jousting session consisted of my two male friends (We'll call them 'Batman' and 'Nam') my boyfriend (We'll call him... My boyfriend, until I can think of a more clever nickname that hasn't been overused already) and one of my boyfriends-friends-who's-already-graduated-but-shows-up-sometimes, pairing up and mounting each other like horses, sticking their fists out like lances, and running like idiots down the hallway at eachother.

So we had Batman mounted on Nam (They are both large guys, so this was funny) The aformentioned graduated bloke mounted on my boyfriend. They gained speed down the hallway before colapsing onto the floor in a spectacular fall.

I laughed to kill myself. This shit happens on a daily basis.

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